PEO Turkey is the acronym for Professional Employment Organisation in Turkey. This is currently the best option for start-ups and growing businesses, particularly for companies facing an administrative overload. A PEO in Turkey is an innovative way to benefit from the solutions of a Turkish human resources (HR) infrastructure. This kind of company offers services from recruitment to payroll management, including tax optimisation. This solution avoids you having to spend unnecessary effort for such services.

What is PEO in Turkey ?

What is PEO in Turkey ?

Small businesses that are growing cannot devote the same effort to all aspects of their organisation as can large businesses. There is simply not enough time to take care of everything.

This is where the added value of PEO Turkey is evident. With a PEO in Turkey, companies can avoid obstacles related to the administration and management of employees. Actions which could prevent them from achieving their goals.

This article is a comprehensive guide to learn all about PEO in Turkey. You will not need to look elsewhere for more information, you will find everything you need here.

A PEO is a company that manages the outsourcing of human resources. It includes other administrative tasks, and each step is made on behalf of client companies.

It serves as a co-employer for clients, usually small and medium-sized businesses. It focuses only on human resources and administrative management. As previously indicated, it is developed on behalf of the company, an approach which is more competitive for the customer.

The partnership between PEO and the client company is called a co-employer relationship.

In this partnership, the PEO in Turkey shares the responsibilities of the employer with the client. There is a contract between both sides. According to this model, the employees are both those of the PEO and those of the client company.

Thus, it gives the client company access to a ready-to-use infrastructure for the management of human resources, payroll, benefits, tax and compliance.

The co-employment agreement with a PEO not only allows company executives and managers to focus on how the company can make a profit, but it also reduces risk and legal responsibilities. PEOs also help reduce the usual costs of health insurance and employee benefits. PEOs have several client companies and this approach allows them to group all employees from these companies into a single payroll.

Advantages of using a PEO in Turkey

A foreign company will benefit greatly from the use of an International PEO.

The benefits abound, making it the best way to expand overseas:

Instantly use an HR department/administrative department abroad with an International PEO based in Turkey. A foreign company does not need to set up its own subsidiary in the country. Instead, it can quickly start operating in this new market, with employees immediately ready to work. It can be compliant with the legal requirements in force and start operating immediately.

Ideal for testing a new market. Every business has its risks, it may or may not succeed, especially in an unknown market. Such exploration can prove costly, however by using the services of a Payroll Turkey Company, a foreign company can reduce its set-up costs. It is including a new branch or subsidiary. In this way you’ll save time and effort, especially if your main goal is to discover the feasibility of your business idea.

Expertise in relevant laws of the country. Laws and regulations relating to human resources, pay, benefits, etc. differ from country to country. A foreign company will therefore greatly benefit from the use of an International PEO.

In summary, an International PEO company in Turkey will support a foreign company to develop its activities abroad. Main advantages: Fast, economical and efficient.

When all of these human resources and administrative management tasks are outsourced to an International PEO, the client company has time to focus on the most important business goals.

The funds saved through the use of a PEO can then be used to further develop a business.